Python Netflix1 Mapper

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#                   #
# pyNetflix1                    #
#                               #
# by Ryan Anguiano              #
# #

# pyMapper takes its input from the reorganized NetFlix Prize Dataset.
# It iterates through eath file in the training_set_reorg folder.
# Each line is passed to this program through sys.stdin and the
# data is operated on, then passed to sys.stdout. Sample lines:
# Input  - MovieID,UserID,Rating,Date
# Output - MovieID    Rating,Date (<Key,Value> seperated by a tab or \t)

import sys

# Iterator function that returns 1 line at a time
# and strips the whitespace
def read_input(file):
    for line in file:
        yield line.rstrip()

def main():
    # Read input through iterator and
    # use a for loop to operate on each line
    input = read_input(sys.stdin)
    for line in input:
        # Split the line by comma
        lineSplit = line.split(',')
        # Parse only if there are 4 values in a line
        if len(lineSplit) == 4:
            # Key = MovieID
            movie = lineSplit[0]
            # Value = Rating,Date
            rating = lineSplit[2]
            date = lineSplit[3].replace('-','')
            value = rating+','+date
            # Output Key-Value pair
            print '%s\t%s' % (movie, value)
            # Output status to Hadoop Reporter
            # (Necessary for Hadoop Streaming Apps)
            print >> sys.stderr, "report:counter:pyNetflix1,mapper,1"

if __name__ == "__main__":