Awk Netflix1 Reducer

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#                  #
# awkNetflix1                   #
#                               #
# by Ryan Anguiano              #
# #

# pyReducer takes its input from pyMapper and groups the
# values by key. It then iterates through each key and
# determines other information from a movie_titles.txt file
# in distributed cache. It operates on each movie key and
# outputs one line based on each key in the following format:
# MovieID    firstDateRated,lastDateRated,productionDate,numOfRatings,avgRating,movieTitle
# (<Key,Value> seperated by a tab or \t)

from itertools import groupby
from operator import itemgetter
import sys

# Iterator function that returns and separates
# each line by a given separator
def read_mapper_output(file, separator='\t'):
    for line in file:
        yield line.rstrip().split(separator, 1)

# Import the movie titles file from distributed cache,
# and load it into a python dict so each movie year can
# be accessed by a MovieID key
def dict_from_movie_cache(file_name):
    # Create a new dictionary and open the movie titles file
    newDict = {}
    f = open(file_name)
    # For every line in the file split the line by 2 commas
    # and distribute the values to movieID, year, name.
    # Assign each movie to the dictionary with the key being
    # movieID and the value being the movie year and title.
    for line in f:
        mov, year, name = line.rstrip().split(',',2)
        newDict[mov] = year+','+name
    # Close the file and return the dictionary
    return newDict

def main():
    # Read input through iterator and load movie titles
    mapper = read_mapper_output(sys.stdin)
    movie_titles = dict_from_movie_cache('movie_titles.txt')
    # For loop to operate on each line
    for line in mapper:
        # Groupby is an python iterator tool that is
        # grouping all mapper input by MovieID
        for movie, group in groupby(mapper, itemgetter(0)):
                # Ratings is the accumulated total of all the ratings per movie
                # Count is the total number of ratings per movie
                # First is the date of the earliest rating
                # Last is the date of the latest rating
                ratings = 0
                count = 0
                first = 0
                last = 0
                # Iterate through each user rating in a movie grouping
                for movie, value in group:
                    # Accumulate ratings and count
                    rating, date = value.split(',',1)
                    ratings += int(rating)
                    count += 1
                    # Check the date against first and last
                    dateInt = int(date)
                    if(first == 0):
                        first = dateInt
                        last = dateInt
                    elif(first > dateInt):
                        first = dateInt
                    elif(last < dateInt):
                        last = dateInt
                # Get the year and movie name from movie titles
                year, name = movie_titles[movie].split(',',1)
                # Average together all the ratings per movie
                avg = float(ratings) / count
                # Concatenate all the values
                value = '%d,%d,%s,%d,%f,%s' % (first, last, year, count, avg, name)
                # Output Key-Value pair
                print '%s\t%s' % (movie, value)
                # Output status to Hadoop Reporter
                print >> sys.stderr, "report:counter:pyNetflix1,reducer,1"
            except ValueError:

if __name__ == "__main__":